
Here you can find more information about projects, compositions and performances

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Spir­i­tus Telecom­mu­ni­tas (2015)

Spir­i­tus Telecom­mu­ni­tas is a composition and collaboration with Aleks Kolkowski. The composition is for female choir, string orches­tra, brass ensem­ble, flute ensem­ble, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion & sound devices, and elec­tron­ics. The ensemble is spread across four dif­fer­ent geographically separated loca­tions playing together online. This composition was written as part of the Online Orches­tra Research Project (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council). It was pre­miered by Aleks Kolkowski, Federico Reuben and the Online Orches­tra con­ducted by Jon Har­g­reaves. The performance took place across four locations: Truro Cathe­dral, Falmouth University, Mul­lion and the Isles of Scilly, Corn­wall, UK.

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On Violence (2012)


On Violence is a composition for piano, live electronics, sensors and computer display that combines generative music, improvisation, algorithmic composition, non-standard forms of notation and real-time scoring, machine listening, real-time data and sound analysis/processing, gesture tracking and computer networking. The composition was inspired by Slavoj Žižek’s book Violence.

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Žižek!? (2009)

Žižek!? is an alternative soundtrack to the Žižek!(2005) documentary by Astra Taylor about Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It consists of a live experimental computer-mediated performance for improvising musicians performing on piano, double bass and drums. Each improviser has a laptop in front of them, connected through a computer network, by which the improvisers receive individual written directions, timing instructions, score animations (moving graphical notation) and through headphones an aural score that consists of music they have to interact with.

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E-Tudes (2007-2009)

E-tudes is simultaneously a performance and an installation. Six pianists are divided into two groups of three players each. The first group plays from the 6th book of madrigals by Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (1566-1613) and the remaining three play etudes of their choice from the established piano repertoire. The composer plays live-electronics using the ensemble’s audio and MIDI signals as material for the new composition. What the ensemble plays is not directly audible in the space. The audience has creative control over how they want to experience the performance. By choosing between listening to the speakers in the room or through headphones generating different outputs and distributed to the audience, each person fabricates their own version of the piece.


Esférica Cantándote (2005)

Esférica Cantándote (2005) is a composition for large ensemble inspired by the life and work of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), particularly by Harmonices Mundi, the book where he describes his theory of the 'Harmony of the World'.


The Nolan's Supper (2004)

The Nolan's Supper (2004) is a composition for piano, clarinet, trombone, electric guitar, violin, double bass, recorder, singer, percussion and fixed media. The composition has four sections, each dealing with a different text or idea inspired by the life and work of Giordano Bruno.

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Indefinite Ockeghem (2003)

Indefinite Ockeghem (2003) is a composition for percussion quartet with rhythmic material derived from different algorithmic transformations and manipulations of Missa de Plus en Plus by Johannes Ockeghem (ca 1410-1497).